Fiat to crypto exchange

Get Emicoin

Fiat to crypto Polygon (Matic)

This platform is not a fiat-to-crypto exchange; it entails KYC and additional legal formalities.
Begin your Emicoin journey with a free airdrop of 0.1 EMI.
Please note, this option requires patience, as it is executed every 200 requests beyond the last completed airdrop.
For a quicker process, you can make a voluntary contribution to the Emicoin Project and receive an EMI airdrop promptly, based on the USD-EMI swap value calculator.

Emicoin crypto airdrop
Airdrop Requests
Airdrop Executed


The crypto wallet

Don’t have a crypto wallet yet? Check out our favorites

Coinbase Wallet – Configuration tutorial here
Metamask (More complex configuration but better for Dapps, swaps, NFTs)

After your contribution, we’ll send EMI directly to your crypto wallet on the Polygon (Matic) blockchain.

Stake EMI crypto in liquidity pools

While you can trade EMI on Dexs and Aggregators, we encourage you to consider staking your Emicoin in liquidity pools to maximize your profits. The main pools are on:

Import Emicoin token

If you’re using Metamask, Brave, or another crypto wallet and don’t see the cryptocurrency in the Polygon blockchain section, you need to import it by copying and pasting the token address.
Find it at the bottom of the page.

Alternatively, if you’re using the Coinbase wallet, it will display without any additional action.

Click HERE to view EMI on Polygonscan.

Emicoin crypto airdrop

A contribution to the Emicoin project can be made on the Ocraware website.
To convince you of our good faith, we prefer that you click on the links below to visit decentralized finance (DeFi) DEX aggregators:

Discover the best deals by importing the EMI token.
We also highly recommend exploring optimal swap conditions and pooling your EMI to maximize profits on:

Below the token address for copying in case your favorite crypto wallet or a Polygon Network Dex requires it.

Token address:

View EMI on Polygonscan

Link and tutorials: